Top 10 secrets of Ancient Egypt that will blow your mind !

Top 10 secrets of Ancient Egypt.

10. Who Builds the Pyramids?

Top 10 secrets of Ancient Egypt.

There is a widespread myth that the Israeli slaves built the Pyramids. But the Egyptologists determined that the Pyramids Egyptian paid workers built the Pyramids. Evidence shows that approximately 20 - 30,000 workers were employed from poor families around Egypt, to complete this huge task over a 20-year period. The workers were highly regarded for their work and were fed like royalty. The work was difficult and very dangerous. But those who died during the construction were entitled to be buried in the tombs of the sacred pyramids.

9. Medicine

The ancient Egyptians were famous for their medical knowledge. So that the rulers of other kingdoms asked Pharaoh to send their Egyptian doctors to treat their sick loved ones. Although Egyptian doctors have extensive knowledge of the medicinal plants. the treatment of disease still includes a magic spell. Along with herbal remedies, many of the alternatives were based on ‘sympathetic magic’. For example, it was believed that the crushed pig's eye, which was used in the treatment, would transfer the power of sight into the patient’s eye

8. Shape-Changing Jesus

Archaeologists discovered an ancient Egyptian script in 2013, telling the crucifixion of Jesus, but with a surprising twist. Starting over 1,200 years, an ancient text paints a completely different picture of Pontius Pilate. He was the judge who ordered the execution of Jesus. The text states that Jesus shared his last meal with Pontius Pilate, who offered to sacrifice his son to save Jesus' life. Even more alarming is the allegation in the text, that Jesus was a shadow writer & capable of changing from white to red or young to old.


After Pharaohoh's reign of 30 years, it took place in a mysterious way called Heb-Sed. The Heb-Sed was to prove that they still had the strength and power needed to rule the empire. The event began to happen every three years until the death of Pharaoh, saw them wearing a short dress, with a bull tail on their back, as they were forced to run as fast as they could on the race track. In the first works of the festival, any unqualified Pharaoh completed the study made a sacrifice, and was replaced by a successor.

6. White Pyramids

A smooth, white, shining landscape filled the Great Pyramid of Giza in 2560 BCE with the completion. However, in 1301 CE, a great earthquake struck Egypt and freed many hurling stones. The outbreak of external pyramids prompted the governors to reuse stones to build a mosque in Cairo. It is still impressive, but what can now be seen of the Great Pyramid of Giza is simply the base of it.

5. Woman Pharaoh

One of the most successful pharaohs ruling in ancient Egypt almost disappeared from history, until it was uncovered in the temple wall in the 19th century. Hatshepsut came to the throne of Ancient Egypt about 1478 BCE. During his reign, Egypt experienced great peace and prosperity. Hatshepsut has developed effective trade routes and has overseen impressive construction activities throughout its empire. However, 20 years after his death, his successors embarked on a campaign to remove Hatshepsut from history. Successors destroyed his pictures and his name at the buildings under his rule.

4. Sunken Cities

The Thonis-Heracleion was one of the largest cities of ancient Egypt. Archaeologists discovered the city underwater 20 years ago. This city remained lost for a thousand years. The city was thought to have been founded in 7 BCE. The Thonis-Heracleion was a great center of commerce, linking ancient Greece, Egypt, and the wider Mediterranean. Archaeologists have unearthed several well-preserved columns of hieroglyphics, as well as statues of Greek gods and emperors depicted in Egyptian fashion. It is thought that our understanding of the deep connection between ancient civilizations will change after the lost city discovered.

3. Masturbation Rituals

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the god Atum created the universe by masturbating into the nothingness. While the other gods independently grew outside Atum's ejaculate. The ebb and flow of the Nile are called Atum's semen. This idea inspired the annual Pharaoh's event. when as God's representative on earth, Pharaoh had to re-create the myth of creation. In front of a crowd, the Pharaoh would masturbate and ejaculate into the river Nile, in order to ensure a year of a bountiful harvest.

2. Biblical Plagues

Scientists have found evidence of the biblical plagues that destroyed ancient Egypt in the Old Testament due to global warming and volcanic eruptions. The reported plague of the Nile is blamed for the advent of a bacterium called Burgundy Blood algae. Which turned river water into blood 3,000 years ago. Scientists say the lake attracts frogs, lice, and flies, which led to livestock and boils getting sick. There is evidence that the volcano of Santorini, Which erupted 600km & threw ash into the air as far as Egypt. which would have blocked sunlight and plunged Egypt into darkness.

1. Incest

Many deities married their siblings in ancient Egyptian mythology. Although there is little evidence to suggest that the average Egyptians married their siblings. Relative relations were prevalent in generations of the royal family. Because of getting married to their siblings, many royal family members, such as Tutankhamun suffered from many infections and genetic diseases. He suffered from weak bones and was unable to walk without any help, contributing to his early death at the age of 19.
Top 10 secrets of Ancient Egypt that will blow your mind ! Top 10 secrets of Ancient Egypt that will blow your mind ! Reviewed by Durgajit Deka Baruah on April 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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