Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries that are still unexplained!

It is difficult to say what we find most interesting about the findings. the future or the past we have a pretty detailed understanding of the great civilizations of ancient times, but there is still so much more to discover. Archaeologists are still unearthed in amazing discoveries. Today, we are looking at the top 10 archaeological discoveries that are still unexplained for some reason.


Codex Gigas, also known as The Devil's Bible, is a collection of myths and mysteries. Legend has it that the writing was written by a 13th-century monk at the orders of the Devil. It is said that the monk wrote the book in one night and Satan marked it with a portrait of himself. It is estimated that this manuscript - written on the skins of more than 160 animals and requiring two people to lift it - would take about 30 years to write. Surprisingly, the analysis found that the manuscripts remained remarkably accurate even throughout the Bible, meaning they were written by one person in a very short time.


Discovered in 1929, this curious map was written in 1513 by Piri Reis [Pi-ree Rays], a Turkish military commander. The map shows Europe, North Africa, the coast of Brazil, and Antarctica - although it is thought that the continent was not discovered until more than 300 years. Surprisingly, the map describes features in Antarctica in amazing detail, including the snow-covered landscapes 6,000 years ago. Scientists are amazed at how Piri Reis would be able to get the map out of the snow with precision as he does.


The Antikythera [Anti-kith-era] Mechanism, called "the first computer", is a clocklike device discovered near the Greek island of Antikythera in 1902. Ancient Greek scientists predicted astrology. Its design is so sophisticated that its discovery forced a re-evaluation of our understanding of ancient engineering skills. What is especially mysterious in this way is that no ancient texts speak of it, and no discoveries have been made before. Also, the technology behind this machine was strangely forgotten, because no comparative artifacts were invented until the fourteenth century.


Believing to be an early writing style, the rongorongo glyphs are a series of wooden sculptures discovered in 1864 on Easter Island. Despite a number of professional efforts, none were able to find the meaning of the symptoms. If complex symbols are ultimately not written, they can only be three or four times when people have autonomous writing processes. Some scholars also believe that translating glyphs can provide an understanding of why the first Easter Island civilization collapsed. However, with translation efforts faint, it doesn't look like we will be able to find their true meaning.


Baghdad Battery is an earthenware pot found near Baghdad in Iraq, along with a metal rod and tube. It was thought that it might have been used for coating silver objects with gold, in a process called electroplating. Today's double-check of the vase shows that this could have been psychologically possible. Since the material was written between 250 BC and 224 AD, the existence of such technology could prove to be a very early understanding of electricity. One possible explanation for the pot is that it was the last ship of the scriptures, but there is no concrete evidence of any idea.


First reported in the early 18th century, dodecahedral Roman artifacts were found in various places, from Wales to Hungary. Typical suspensions are made of bronze or stone and range from 4cm to 11cm in size. There is a huge amount of mystery surrounding what the material is used for. Because most were found in temples, some think it is of great religious importance. Other ideas include baby toys, military tools, candle holders, or bedding aids. However, because there is no account of them in Roman records, historians fail to produce evidence of what their purpose was.


The Longyou Grottoes is a series of man-made caves in China, dating back to 212 BC. Covering over 30,000 square feet and includes a series of rooms, bridges, and pools, its acquisition in 1992 represented one of the world's largest underground tunnels ever. Archaeologists, engineers, historians, and geologists all probe the distances, but - mysteriously - no one knows how they are formed. It is estimated that it would take 1,000 people, working day and night for six years to complete the caves. There are currently no tools available in this area and no references to any documents from the time.


The Yonaguni Monument is a pyramid-shaped structure below the Japanese coast in 1986. The leading expert disagrees on whether the building is man-made or natural. Professor Masaaki Kimura [Mas-are-key Kim-oo-rah] from the University of the Ryukyus [Ree-ooh-cus] points to the steps and structures of the building as evidence that people were building when the area was above the sea level around 10,000 years ago. But Dr. Robert Schoch [Shock] of Boston, on the other hand, says that earthquakes could have caused these things. There is insufficient evidence on both sides of the argument to provide an undeniable conclusion.


Entering in a range from a few centimeters to more than 2 meters, these fine stone structures are among the best-known discoveries in the world. They were first observed in the 1940s and have since been found over 300, spread throughout the Costa Rican forest. They date back between 500 and 1500 BC, and no one knows what they were made for. One view is that it is spread by people who are familiar with astronomical alignments, because of its carefully organized system. However, since most of the spheres have been removed from their original locations, it is not possible to further test this hypothesis.


In 1988 archaeologists uncovered ancient Roman excrement under a bathhouse in Ashkelon, Israel found a shocking sight: the bones of 100 newborns. None of these bodies shows evidence of disease or bone defect, which means they did not die of natural causes. Due to the mass murder of women in Ancient Rome, the first allegations were that maritime industries were used as a tomb for unwanted daughters. However, when it turned out that a large part of the skeleton belonged to the boys, the archaeologists were startled. So far, no one knows why such a large number of species can be found in this particular area.

Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries that are still unexplained! Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries that are still unexplained! Reviewed by Durgajit Deka Baruah on April 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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