What Is Coronavirus?What You Should Do?

In December of 2019, Chinese authorities informed the world that the virus was spreading in their communities. In the months that followed, it was spreading abroad, with recurring cases over the days. This virus is the Seve Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus 2 that causes the disease called COVID-19 and everyone just calls coronavirus.
What really happens when it involves a person and what should we all do? A virus is actually just a place of rotation with a few proteins, arguing that it is not a living thing. It can do itself by getting into a living cell. Corona can be spread through the surface, but it is still unknown how long it can survive. Its main form of infection is seen as a droplet infection when people cough, or when you touch someone who is sick and then your face, ie rubbing your eyes or nose.
The virus begins its journey here and then hits the ride as a deep dive. The areas where it travels are the intestines, the spleen or the lungs, where it can have a very dramatic effect. Even just a few coronaviruses can create a serious condition. The lungs are lined with trillions of epithelial cells. These are the border cells of your body, which give your organs and mucosa waiting to be infected. Corona connects to a specific receptor in the tissue of its victim to inject its genetic material. The cell, not knowing what was going on, issued new, simple instructions: copy and paste. It fills many copies of the original virus until it reaches a critical point and receives one final order, the default. The cell type dissolves, releasing new corona particles ready to attack multiple cells. The number of infected cells increases exponentially After 10 days, millions of infected cells, and billions of viruses invade the lungs.
This virus hasn't done much damage yet, but the corona will now release the real animal to you, your immune system. The immune system, while being there to protect you, can actually be dangerous to you and requires strict control. And as the body's cells move into the lungs to fight the virus, Corona infects some of them and causes confusion. Cells do not have ears or eyes. They interact strongly with small proteins of information called cytokines. Almost all important body reactions are controlled by them. Corona causes the cells of the body to become more infected and to accelerate the killing of blood. In a sense, it puts the immune system in a difficult position and sends more soldiers than it should, depleting its resources and causing damage.
Two types of cells mainly cause damage. First, neutrophils, which are great for killing things, including our cells.
As they reach into their thousands, they begin to release enzymes that kill as many friends as enemies. Another type of primary cell that begins to become malignant is the malignant T-cells, which often order infected cells to kill themselves. Confused as they are, they begin to order healthy cells to kill themselves. Multiple immune cells increase the damage they do, and healthy lung tissue kills themselves. This can be so bad that it can cause permanent irreversible damage, leading to lifetime disability. In most cases, the body's immune system is slowly taking control. It kills infected cells, infects cells with new infections, and cleans the battlefield. Recovery begins.
Most people infected with Corona will find it to have severe symptoms. But in many cases, they are difficult or critical. We do not know the percentage because not all cases have been identified, but it is safe to say there is more to flu. In severe cases, millions of epithelial cells have died and together with them, the lungs are gone.
That means alveoli - the small airs when breathing takes place - can become viral, which is not a major problem. Patients experience pneumonia. The reaction is complicated or failed, and patients need ventilators to survive. The body's immune system has been fighting for weeks and making millions of weapons. And as thousands of germs rapidly spread, he is frustrated. They enter the bloodstream and skip the body; if this happens, death is more likely. Coronavirus is usually compared to the flu, but in fact, it is very dangerous. While the mortality rate is difficult to record during an ongoing epidemic, we know for sure that it is more contagious and spreads faster than the flu. There are two recent epidemics like Corona: fast and slow. What future we will see depends on how we all react to it at the beginning of the eruption. A quick pandemic will shock and cost many lives; the slow-moving epidemic will not be forgotten by the history books. The worst case of a rapid epidemic begins with the rate of immediate infection because there are no substances in the basement.

Why is this so bad? In a fast-moving epidemic, many people get sick at the same time. When prices become too high, health care systems fail to handle them. There are not enough resources, such as medical staff or instruments such as ventilators, left to help everyone. People will die without treatment. And as the majority of health care workers get sick on their own, the number of health care programs goes down dramatically. If this is so, then horrible decisions will have to be made about who is alive and who is unrepentant. The death rate goes up significantly in such a case. To avoid this, the world - which means all of us - needs to do everything possible to turn this into a slow-moving epidemic. An epidemic is delayed by the right answers. Particularly in the first phase, so that everyone who is sick can get treatment and there is no room for the frustrated hospitals. Since we do not have a Corona vaccine, we should improve our behavior, serve as a public vaccine. This simply means two things:
1. Not Getting Infected; and
2. Not infecting others.
Though it may sound trivial, the best thing you can do is wash your hands. Soap is actually a powerful tool. The coronavirus is attached to what is essentially a fat layer; the soap breaks the oil apart and leaves it unable to infect you. It also makes your hands inclined, and for washing purposes, germs are removed. To do it properly, wash your hands as if cut out of jalapeños and want to insert your contact lenses next. The next thing is social isolation, which is not a good thing, but a good thing to do. This means no hugs, no handshakes. If you can stay at home, stay home to protect those who need to get out for the community to work:
from doctors to housekeepers, or the police; He is dependent on all; it all depends on you not to get sick.
On a larger scale, there are accommodations, which can mean different things, from travel restrictions or actual orders to stay at home. Quarantines are not great to hear and certainly not popular. But they buy it - and especially researchers working in treatment and vaccination - for a significant period of time So if you are put under isolation, you have to understand why, and respect it. None of this is fun. But if you look at the big picture, it's a small price to pay. The question of how the fleet ended, depends on how it started; if they start too fast with a steep slope, they end up going wrong. If they start to slow down, with a slight slope, they end okay. And, in this day and age, it's actually in our hands.

What Is Coronavirus?What You Should Do? What Is Coronavirus?What You Should Do? Reviewed by Durgajit Deka Baruah on March 20, 2020 Rating: 5

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